De One Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine


During your acupuncture treatment, your licensed acupuncturist will perform a detailed holistic TCM evaluation to determine the best strategy and treatment plan to help support your health & wellness. Treatment modalities, pending on what may be best suited for you, can include Needling, Heat lamp therapy, Cupping, Gua-Sha and Tui-Na. There will also be TCM aftercare and lifestyle advises cus... Read More

During your acupuncture treatment, your licensed acupuncturist will perform a detailed holistic TCM evaluation to determine the best strategy and treatment plan to help support your health & wellness. Treatment modalities, pending on what may be best suited for you, can include Needling, Heat lamp therapy, Cupping, Gua-Sha and Tui-Na. There will also be TCM aftercare and lifestyle advises customized for you to take home.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

During your Chinese Herbal Medicine consultation, your licensed acupuncturist will perform a detailed holistic TCM evaluation to determine the best approach to support your health & wellness balance. The treatment modality offered will be primarily using Chinese Herbal Medicine; this may be internal, topical or aromatic. There will also be TCM aftercare and lifestyle advises customized for yo... Read More

During your Chinese Herbal Medicine consultation, your licensed acupuncturist will perform a detailed holistic TCM evaluation to determine the best approach to support your health & wellness balance. The treatment modality offered will be primarily using Chinese Herbal Medicine; this may be internal, topical or aromatic. There will also be TCM aftercare and lifestyle advises customized for you to take home.

Meet Eric

Rhode Island State Licensed Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Eric is a passionate and compassionate traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner. Eric has extensive knowledge in traditional Chinese medical theory, and firmly believes in TCM preventative practices.

NCCAOM certified diplomate of oriental medicine.

Bachelor of Medicine from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

Master of Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine from New England School of Acupuncture at MCPHS.



Meet Eric Rhode Island State Licensed Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Eric is a pas... Read More

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Located at: 117 Eddie Dowling Hwy Unit 1B, North Smithfield
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